I found this on a blog I like to browse, and I thought it would be great to participate.
Red Envelope Day
Please join our family in participating in Red Envelope Day!In support of the sanctity of human life, during the month of March thousands of pro-lifers from around the nation will be participating in Red Envelope Day. The idea is very simple. Just send empty Red Envelopes posted to the White House to arrive on or before the last day of the month.Write a simple message on the back of each of the envelopes."This envelope represents one child who died because of abortion. It is empty because the life that was taken is now unable to be a part of our world."That's it.
Some folks are gathering groups together to do mass mailings. Some have had a rubber stamp made to mass produce the message. One enterprising group has even made envelopes and stamps that can be purchased.Regardless of how you do it, just do it. And make sure your Red Envelopes arrive at the White House on or before March 31, 2009.
Our family is participating in this effort to take a small stand against abortion. We may only do 10 or 20 envelopes, but I really want to participate. I haven't found red envelopes yet, but I bought a box of white ones. The kids will color them red and I may give them a very brief, simple explanation of what we are doing and why.
The address is:President Barack Obama
The White House1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, D. C. 20500
Love - Neverending and Without Condition
9 months ago