Saturday, January 24, 2009


2008 passed by so fast it seems unbelievable that 2009 is already here. So many things happened I want to recap in case anyone missed anything. I also want to acknowledge all of the things I am thankful for.

* I am thankful for Heather, without her I would not get to share all of this information with everyone in such an awesome way. I only wish they lived closer so we could scrap together.

*I am thankful for my wonderful husband and my awesome little boy, they give me so much joy in my life. I am excited to see what 2009 brings. DJ is in school a few hours a day and he seems to love it. David is with the State and I am so glad that he has a job in such difficult economic times. I really enjoy being in Ohio again and although we live in the middle of nowhere.....I love it! It is such a small community and so peaceful. I have learned that there is so much more to life and therefore I am enjoying life much more than ever.

* I am thankful that I have my Mom and Dad still living and helping us so much in life. They have taught me the meaning of unconditional love which I hope to pass on to DJ. I wish them many more years of health.

* I am thankful that I have my sister and she is always there when I need her. I am grateful that she found a great man to make her husband. I was pleased to welcome Mike to our family this July. I wish them much love and joy in their journey ahead.

* I am thankful that my Grandma is here for me to call up and chat with whenever I please. I wish her many more years of health. Grandma will begin dialysis in 2009.

* I am thankful for George and Ruth. They are always there for us and help us so much. Ruth just had knee surgery and I wish her a speedy recovery. George has been training for the marathon that I plan on running in because he thinks he is going to beat me. HA. Little does he know.......he can't beat me because I will not be running in the senior category...hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Their son Chris got married to Valerie and they both graduated from UNLV. Chris is an officer in the Air Force. We are so proud of him.

* I am thankful for Dr. Song and his wife Lucia. They have taught me so much over the years not to mention all of the wonderful care they have taken of me. I am so glad to take a break from my normal routine and work in the office every once in awhile for them. I really plan on finishing my research in 2009:)

* I am thankful for Dr. Rogers. Many of you know how much he has done for me since my first surgery in June of 2006. My last surgery was in November 2008 and it went so well. I am thankful that I met a QUALIFIED BOARD CERTIFIED PLASTIC SURGEON.

* I am thankful for my Great Aunts (Bert and Dot). They travel to my Grandma's house with my Mom and I am so relieved that she is not driving alone. My Great Aunt Ellen was diagnosed with uterine cancer and since her surgery she is making a good recovery.

* I am thankful that David's Dad is recovering from his bypass surgery. I wish him continued good health.

* I am so thankful that we reconnected with Chris and Michelle. We have enjoyed having them in our life again.

* Mileah's husband Ron found out he had prostate cancer and he just had surgery that went well. I wish him a speedy recovery.

* Mindy and I have enjoyed some time talking this year. I wish her love and her family good health.

* My 20 year class reunion was this year and it was a nice time. I enjoyed seeing all of my old friends. I was so excited to see Gene and Melissa's little boys.

* Macey and Jason graduated this year and Macey moved to Las Vegas to live with Aric. I am so happy they are together.....finally!

* Aric and Jason's Mom, Sonya, had colon cancer and surgery. I wish her a good recovery.

* Jeanne Nelson-Runyon was never going to have kids.......and she had a little boy. Wesley Nelson Runyon is a little cutie.

* Jane Jones is recovering from cancer. I wish her the best of health.

* Rich Hanley had bypass surgery and is recovering well.

* Steve and Laurance are traveling around the world as usual. I wish they lived closer.

* My niece's and nephew: Sara is 11 and Britt, Brooke & Brandon are 12.

* David reconnected with Charlie and Trent and we had a great time.

* Jeff came to our house as Santa and did an awesome job. Thanks to Jeff.

* Joey and Leslie had a beautiful wedding ceremony. We wish them all the luck.

* I have enjoyed staying close with Opal and Peggy via e-mail.

* So many more things have happened and so many more people I love that I didn't mention. I could go on forever. I love you all:)

* 2009 I plan to as always take better care of my body. I plan on running a marathon in August.....wish me luck. I also plan on finishing my research with Dr. Song. I plan to finish a PhD in grief and crisis counseling and do some work for our Church. I am going to be a better wife, mom, daughter, sister and friend.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Christmas Morning

Christmas morning is always so joyful at Grandma's. We are so lucky to have such a wonderful Mom/Grandma who creates such awesome memories. Keep in mind that pictures on Christmas morning are not the most appealing for anyone...HA HA ;)

Believe it or not we actually had to wake DJ up at 10:00. I could not believe that he was not up at 5 in the morning. He was so excited to see all the gifts and get busy unwrapping them. He Loved all of his gifts and it was insane how much he received......his Grandma spoils him beyond belief and he loves every minute of it but not as much as he loves her!

Christmas With The Triplets

Dan and Crystal joined our family years ago. The triplets came into the world about 12 years ago and every since that moment Mom became their Grandma and I had 2 nieces and a nephew. It is such a joy to spend every Christmas with them as they grow up. I am amazed that they will be 13 this year!

Christmas With George & Ruth

Christmas with George and Ruth was absolutely unbelievable. They spoil us way to much. The gave us so many awesome gifts we could not believe was just crazy. David ordered George a cement Police Officer. David wanted to put a mustache on it so it would look exactly like George......I wouldn't let him.

Chris and Valerie came in for Christmas so that was an extra treat too. They just graduated from UNLV and Chris is a Lieutenant in the Air Force.

We love having such great friends that have truly become our family. Thanks George and Ruth for spoiling us:)

Christmas With PA

Celebrating Christmas with my Dad is always interesting. David always wraps Barb's (my Dad's wife) Christmas gift. One year he wrapped it with a used Wendy's bag with some of the food left in it. The yearly wrapping started with crinkled and torn Christmas wrap and every year it gets a little worse. This year he wrapped her gift with toilet paper at least he didn't use it first!

We had a good time with Dad and DJ enjoyed all of his gifts. Mike, Tammy's new husband, didn't make it due to the weather. He was driving back from St Louis.

Christmas With The Dodd Family In Youngstown

Christmas in Youngstown with the Dodd's was just great. DJ was so excited with all of his wonderful gifts, and he can't wait to ride his bike. Mary treated everyone to an awesome spread with a beautiful presentation. Later in the evening Mary had a Birthday cake for DJ. We were so surprised. Thanks to Mary for all of her hard work.

We are so thankful that David's Dad is making a good recovery. We enjoyed a pleasant visit, although we regret that the short visit did not give us enough time to go to every one's home.

Christmas With Kieth & Danielle

We enjoyed time with Kieth and Danielle this year as DJ opened gifts from them. He was so excited. Once again this year we opted to find a family in need instead of exchanging gifts. This is the 3rd year we have done this and it is better than any gift we could give each other. The family consisted of a Mom, Dad, a 4 year boy and a 2 year old girl.

We loaded up all the gifts and headed to the home. We supply the family with an awesome Christmas, probably a bigger Christmas than they have ever had. We pulled up in front of the house and Kieth started to muddle his way through ankle high mud. We could only see a small way with the headlights beam but we could make out a herd of animals coming toward us.....dogs barking......goats making their sound....I told Kieth not to worry it was small dogs like the one he owns........until I caught the sight of a growling pit bull.......ahhhhhhhhhhhh run Kieth run......Turns out the family was not home because they had to make a visit to the hospital in Columbus for the father's arm. David and Kieth went back the next morning and successfully delivered the gifts.

(The Mother informed me that she had nothing for her children. I wish I could have been a little fly on the wall to see the kids open the gifts>) We never let them know it is us we always tell the family that someone asked us to deliver the gifts to them and we can not reveal their identity.

Seeing this family made me so grateful for all of the wonderful things I have in life......just everyday necessities (like running water) that I take for granted....things that I stop and thank God for everyday. I suggest this to anyone who is willing to give up their Christmas is so much more wonderful to do this and to help a family out.

Christmas Party In Kentucky

We celebrated Christmas with my Grandma and extended family in Kentucky. We had a wonderful time and the kids enjoyed seeing each other. My Great Aunt Dot and Great Aunt Bert also attended the party but I didn't get any pictures of them. I have no clue how this happened because I am a picture crazy person......I think they planned it that way. The love of family is so wonderful!


The first big snow we had this year turned out to be so much fun. DJ didn't want to go out at first. David and DJ had a big snow ball fight and then we convinced DJ to sled down the small hill. Needless to say he ran into and then over a small pine tree. He enjoyed the destruction so we traveled over to the big hill. DJ and I went down the big hill together at first and then he wanted to do it all alone! He loves to sled and the bigger the hill the better. The fun ended when Doodle ran her snout into my eye and tore my cornea.......urgh!!!

Putting Up The Tree