Saturday, February 28, 2009

Aric & Macey in San Diego

Kimberly Curtis

In loving memory of Kimberly Curtis, George and Ruth's little girl, who passed away 14 years ago on the 22 of February. We wish them only happy memories during this time as she is looking down on them from heaven.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Hospital Waiting Room - Morehead KY

The hospital waiting room is where I have been spending some time lately due to my Grams being in the hospital. She had a heart attack about 2 weeks ago and she has congestive heart failure. This visit she also had a line put in for dialysis, the permanent line will be done in 3 to 6 weeks. The last visit DJ went with me and got to spend some time with his cousins! Please include my Grams in your prayers........thanks in advance.

Good Job DJ

DJ was so proud of his good job sticker that he received in school. I had to take a picture of it on his shirt. He walked in the hall at school and therefor he was awarded a good job sticker. He is also very excited when he is the line leader. I get so tickled at what makes him happy. I wish something as small as a sticker worked at home! He is my sunshine!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


You know you have played Wii too long when you have an indention on your thumb.

Just call us the shut-ins. Valentine's Day was absolutely great. We stayed in, turned off the phone and the three of us enjoyed the day. David and DJ played the Wii for about 8 hours. We ordered pizza and Chinese then we had a carpet picnic. I must be getting old because I could not ask for a more wonderful day!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Aric, Macey & Krinkles

Aric, Macey, and the new Christmas addition, Krinkles are all so adorable. This is the little family on Valentines Day.

Valentine's Day Party

DJ had his first Valentine's Day Party at school. He was excited but I think I was more excited to see him with his cards and friends. We put together treat bags for all of the kids and he had to count each piece of candy. Then he had to write his name on all of the cards.......Thank God he only has 6 kids in his class, it took us over two days.

My Winter Wonderland

The most beautiful scenes occur out my back door. See what I enjoy as I stand on my deck. Once in life everyone should get to enjoy this.......especially watching an eagle fly.

DJ...You Crack Me Up

Dear God please let my son grow out of this!

What Marker

DJ informed me he was drawing a spaceship. I just don't see it:)

Charlie & Trent

We celebrated with Charlie and Trent, it has been 25 years since Charlie had a stroke and he is doing great. David and Charlie lived together at the beginning of David's Air Force career. We had a great time and plan to spend more time together now that we all live in Ohio!

Cool Hat

I just love this hat on DJ. The hat is actually David's but DJ had to wear it to school. I can say that it put a smile on a say the least. The music teacher greeted him as he walked in the door and he said, "Hey I like your hat"......DJ replied "I know it's cool":)